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March Automotive Horoscopes

by | Mar 9, 2023


The rhythm in your current workflow gives stability and predictability. Don’t lose it! Your service writer will have plenty of work for you soon. Lean on your focus to plow through your list of tasks, and use any down time to organize your personal space. You will be glad for it when an urgent job comes your way. You will complete it with a sense of satisfaction, and others will respect your work. Feels good to get a little recognition, doesn’t it?


Do not forget where you came from. Your thoughts will dwell on your salad days, and you may even have the opportunity to revisit the past with the help of a friend. Rather than slipping into nostalgia, you would do well to use this time to reflect on how far you have come. Also, keep an open mind while looking back. Was there something that you forgot? Or someone—a Leo, most likely? Stay sharp. A tricky customer will try taking advantage of your can-do attitude.


Even though you are used to being busy, this has been an exceptionally frantic time for you. If it seems like everything is spinning out of control, remember that you have been through this before. Keep your head up and embrace a training opportunity that is coming your way. Don’t let the hectic state of your work life discourage your ambitions for growth. Your natural curiosity will lead you to ask the right questions. You’ll also want to take care of that one item on your to-do list that you keep putting off. Handle it now, or pay for it later.


Your collaboration with others will bring great success with a daunting project. Make the most of the situation by keeping lines of communication open. Stepping up as a negotiator will be just the kind of self-starter leadership needed to smooth things over, and it could pay off in the future. You aren’t the only one thinking about that promotion or advancement. Remember to show some humility by thanking those who helped you along the way. A well-deserved vacation approaches if you can just allow yourself to take it.


Feel like a long journey just came to an end? If you’re careful about your commitments, a period of calm is in your near future. Take a moment to recenter, and watch as your focus sharpens up. To help cope with the new normal, make an effort to surround yourself with Geminis for distraction and Libras for conversation. That Scorpio you haven’t seen in a while is rolling into town may also appear on your radar.


Aren’t you getting tired of dragging all that baggage around? This is the month for you to finally walk away from sources of fatigue in your life. Show your commitment to the change by rearranging your working and living spaces. A bit of spring cleaning is just the ticket when trying to start fresh. While you are in this frame of mind, start tracking down those things you loaned out and never got back. You were generous to let others use your tools, equipment, and even the shirt off your back if asked. No need to let anyone run roughshod over your property, especially when you have this opportunity to put everything in its place.


The last month treated you fairly well. The manageable load will continue into the next month, but beware a vexing issue with your personal vehicle. It may not be your fault, but it sure is your problem. Now is the time to think about creating backups and alternatives, or maybe even shopping for a new ride to work. Put aside your ego and enlist the help of a friend if you must. Two people working together move more than twice as fast as one wrench working alone.


The bad news? You are heading for some interpersonal conflict that you really do not want to deal with right now. The good news? It will be over relatively quickly, and you will know who really has your back after the dust settles. If this clash happens with a coworker, do not jeopardize the social fabric of the shop. Nobody will judge you if you take a moment before speaking. Use that moment to envision your ideal self, and act accordingly.


Potential for loss is high this month. You will need to stay vigilant if you want to avoid unnecessary costs or negativity. Keep a close eye on what’s valuable to you: tools, paperwork, budding relationships, and that memento from a mentor that you value. You will be spending a lot of time on the road this month, chasing down personal and professional objectives. And as a fire sign, you are a good fit for travel. A chance encounter will get you pointed in the right direction.


Preparedness is the name of the game this month. Important meetings and spirited discussions are on your horizon. You do not need to worry as long as you are confident in your abilities to show others that you know what you are doing. Hard-won expertise does not always get the appreciation that it deserves, but by preparing your skills and your words for the moment, you will demonstrate your value. Just hold your horses when it comes to celebration. The time to party and unwind will appear soon enough. Let the invitations come to you once the dust has settled.


Hopefully you are ready to think outside the box to solve a problem in an adjacent bay this month. Others continually look to you for new ways to solve problems, and your actions at this critical time could save a friend in need. It is not easy to tell a colleague or friend that you have concerns about their work or problem-solving abilities. Be gentle, and do not be too quick to show the solution so that you can avoid making someone (probably a fire sign) feel inadequate. It is easy to let your radical thinking move faster than your interpersonal skills. Like it or not, you are part of a team.


Feeling low on energy? That’s not your fault, but with a line of customers that seems to stretch all the way down the block, there is nothing to it but to do it. Keep a close eye on your sleep schedule to make the best of your situation. Resist the urge to daydream or get lost in distractions. And for the sake of everyone involved, be especially careful when backing up customers’ cars. Checking your work is always faster than fixing a mistake, after all.

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