Nick and Lemmy check out a flex plate from an imported Japanese automatic transmission with very few miles under its belt.

DEF is easy to contaminate, and fortunately, it’s also easy to test. Check to be sure that your customers’ DEF is up to spec with these simple tests.
In this challenge, techs and DIYers get as close as possible to a target final pressure to see who’s got the best skills and strategies at the tire machine.
A few things to bear in mind considering the increased wear on tires.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Understanding how voltage is used in an electrical circuit can help your troubleshooting.
Each line item confirms it—cheating doesn’t pay.
Ford made a V-8 engine affordable to the mass market consumer for the first time.
Working on some battery cables or custom ground straps? A proper tool like Dorman’s 90707 heavy lug crimper has you covered.
Using a lubricant when installing spark plugs was once common practice, but today, you might want to think twice before adding anything to your spark plug threads.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Coiled wire is a smart idea for adding service loops or mechanical strain relief on automotive electrical jobs or other projects.
The habits you form first can be the hardest ones to break.
The Proving Grounds crew takes on another round of The Mystery Box Challenge with new parts and a few new faces.
Air filters are an easy service item to overlook, but most manufacturers recommend a new filter every year or 15,000 miles.
There are applications for shims besides fixing camber and panel gaps.
When it is necessary to make your own gaskets, small bolt holes are often the trickiest features to cut.
Featuring state-of-the-art editing, this video is still relevant nearly a century later.
Which of the following is the most critical result of a rust hole in an exhaust system?