These handy tools can are useful for all kinds of alignment tasks involving covers, pans, and gaskets.

Get ready for an increase in fuel system corrosion repairs on older vehicles and small engines.
Car mods to do first: auto technicians’ favorites!
The Tucker 48 had many innovative design features, but was Preston a scam artist?
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Study for your ASE exams with this quick practice question.
There’s a spectrum of parts ranging from fresh and new to tired but cheap. What should you use and when?
Does the shop retain right of first refusal, or is moonlighting A-OK?
From Colonel Hogan to Mr. T to Fonzie, here’s a completely unscientific list of television wrenches.
ID Jeeps generation by generation with a few easy tricks.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
We’ve all heard the question that starts like this. So will you lend tools?
Here are a few things consider before taking on work that falls beyond the scope of repair or maintenance.
Door striker bolts became known as Nader pins after “Unsafe at Any Speed” caused a national uproar and led to the first FMVSS rules.
Several speed records were once set on the beach of Cape May, New Jersey
If your waiting room stinks, so does waiting in it.
I hate buying ratchets. Here’s what I think of my newest one, an ICON 56193.
USB charging problems? Dorman’s experts explore specialized tools and provide handy tips for these increasingly common repairs.
13 of the most informative, interesting, and/or funny mechanic-related accounts on the socials