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How to install a brake cable slack eliminator (VIDEO)

Description If your parking brake is weak or not working at all, a stretched cable is usually the issue. The Dorman 03006 parking brake slack eliminator is a quick and easy way to restore brake function.Related Videos

The cheapest tool you can buy to turn more hours in a dead bay

I feel silly admitting it, but I didn’t know what a breaker bar adapter was for a long time. When I learned what it was and what it does, I immediately thought that the tool was useless. Then I changed my mind. Lemme tell you why. Just in case you don’t know what a...

A cheap bore scope is your best friend for prepurchase inspections

As the strong used car market continues, prepurchase inspections (PPIs) are an increasingly valuable resource for buyers seeking top-notch buys in a competitive market. The good news? While car values soared over the last few years, prices of borescopes (also called...


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Is it OK to plug a tire? (VIDEO)

Is it OK to plug a tire? (VIDEO)

Some sources say you should never, ever plug a tire … despite the fact that trained professionals have been doing it for decades. We debate.

Godspeed, Pat

Godspeed, Pat

Pat Goss, arguably America’s most famous mechanic, has died.