You ARE accounting for them, right?

Proper tooling and techniques are critical to repairing threads—and if you’re a mechanic, neither are marketed well to you.
DIFM customers just won’t purchase this common underhood part.
If you’re a budding technician, a few of these pointers might help ya during front end work.
There are a lot of ways to approach the business of servicing the car in front of you. Which one is king?
Repairing future failure points before they fail is a lucrative way to save your customers money, just like maintenance does.
Accessory belt drive evolution can provide some clues for the most efficient way to get a customer back on the road.
The “best” parts for the job are highly dependent on the environment in which they operate.
At what point does an icon completely fail to provide critical information to a motorist?
The appearance of off-road prowess while maintaining on-road comfort is what motorists want. Tire salesmen, take advantage.
Exhaust work is straightforward and (I think) easy to understand. Here are some pointers for service techs to avoid comebacks when hanging pipe.
Lubricant? More like lubri-can. A very cheap staple of most shops, I’ve learned to use it in a few unconventional ways.
A textbook yields a few pearls of wisdom for those in the automotive biz.