Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Hot Off the Press

The cheapest tool you can buy to turn more hours in a dead bay

I feel silly admitting it, but I didn’t know what a breaker bar adapter was for a long time. When I learned what it was and what it does, I immediately thought that the tool was useless. Then I changed my mind. Lemme tell you why. Just in case you don’t know what a...

A cheap bore scope is your best friend for prepurchase inspections

As the strong used car market continues, prepurchase inspections (PPIs) are an increasingly valuable resource for buyers seeking top-notch buys in a competitive market. The good news? While car values soared over the last few years, prices of borescopes (also called...

Test fuses without removal! (VIDEO)

How to test for blown fuses in a car or truck | Fast and easy methodDescription Checking fuses is one of the most basic (and important!) tests you’ll use when diagnosing a vehicle’s electrical system. Most cars and trucks on the road today use quite a few fuses, and...

Don’t let the grind of fixing cars wear down your love for ‘em

Fixing automobiles all day is tough. The work’s too hard, the customers get ornery, the money ain’t what it oughta be, working conditions aren’t always the best, and the hours are too long. In spite of that, I have yet to meet a tech, service writer, or counterman who...

Torque wrench vs. torque stick for installing wheels (VIDEO)

How to test for blown fuses in a car or truck | Fast and easy methodDescription What tools do you trust when installing wheels on a vehicle? The trusty torque wrench, or the straightforward torque sticks? Or maybe both? Three Dorman experts weigh in.Related Videos

A 3-minute video kept me from going ballistic over a $3,000 repair

If you’ve read my stuff before, you know I have a checkered history of repairing my own vehicles. It’s the inevitable outcome of going out of my way to deliberately (read: dimwittedly) buy a series of notoriously crappy cars and trucks that nonetheless looked very...

Bitten by a misfire

Formal education teaches you theory and the real world teaches you the rest.


Rust belt vs salt belt: Do you know the difference? (VIDEO)

Rust belt vs salt belt: Do you know the difference? (VIDEO)

The Rust Belt and the Salt Belt may sound similar, and you might even hear them used interchangeably, but they are distinct names that any automotive professional or enthusiast should know. Take a few seconds to get the real story on these terms.


Auto care news and advice you can use.


Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.


Auto care news and advice you can use.