Before you toss those zip tie scraps in the trash, consider saving them for plastic repair jobs. In many cases, the plastic used in zip ties will bond with common automotive plastics with the help of a soldering iron.
Separate gasket – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)
Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to require a separate gasket for installation?
Smarter, not harder: relative compression testing
Analyzing a new trick I learned from an old dog.
Can’t break that crank bolt loose? You need a crank socket (VIDEO)
Crank fasteners are often a real pain to remove. Mechanics with expensive impact wrenches and large breaker bars struggle to remove them—but there’s a better way.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
ICYMI: Secondary hood prop positions
Props to second place, too.
Customer states truck was vandalized… Do you know what happened here? (VIDEO)
Each line item confirms it—cheating doesn’t pay.
Watch this video on the invention of the Ford V-8 engine
Ford made a V-8 engine affordable to the mass market consumer for the first time.
How to crimp heavy gauge wire (VIDEO)
Working on some battery cables or custom ground straps? A proper tool like Dorman’s 90707 heavy lug crimper has you covered.
Should you use anti-seize when installing spark plugs? (VIDEO)
Using a lubricant when installing spark plugs was once common practice, but today, you might want to think twice before adding anything to your spark plug threads.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Airbag direction – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)
When placing an airbag on a workbench, which is the safest direction for it to face? We have the answer.
Tire service tips (that aren’t just for new technicians)
The habits you form first can be the hardest ones to break.
The Proving Grounds crew takes on another round of The Mystery Box Challenge with new parts and a few new faces.
Why auto mechanics should check cabin air filters in every vehicle (VIDEO)
Air filters are an easy service item to overlook, but most manufacturers recommend a new filter every year or 15,000 miles.
Creative repurposing: Shims have all sorts of uses in an automotive shop
There are applications for shims besides fixing camber and panel gaps.
Before selling a vehicle, make sure to remove personal data (VIDEO)
Smartphones, laptops, and computers are normally cleared of all data before selling or discarding to protect personal information.
Dust Cap Tool Explained (VIDEO)
How many times have you seen a hub dust cap with ugly dents from a sloppy installation? A dust cap tool is a handy tool for installing caps on customer vehicles without damaging the cap’s appearance.
Why a magnetic drain plug is a worthwhile upgrade (VIDEO)
Do your customers know the benefits of magnetic oil drain plugs? Swap out their standard drain plugs to help protect against unnecessary engine damage.