Which of the following is the most critical result of a rust hole in an exhaust system?

Two solutions for yellowed, hazy headlights.
They look the same, but serve different roles. Here are the very specific scenarios where the lesser-known parallel connector shines.
Shop Press’ Andy Greaser breaks down permanent antifreeze and today’s coolant for your vehicles.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
When placing an airbag on a workbench, which is the safest direction for it to face? We have the answer.
Exhaust work is straightforward and (I think) easy to understand. Here are some pointers for service techs to avoid comebacks when hanging pipe.
Lubricant? More like lubri-can. A very cheap staple of most shops, I’ve learned to use it in a few unconventional ways.
Failing to perform these two vital service steps could cost time and money—or worse.
Any of these mistakes can lead to an unwanted oil leak or worse—a blown engine.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
You don’t want to sell every job. Trust me.
It’s your job to tell customers about warning signs and bad repairs.
From the factory with the spare’s valve stem pointing up, but you can flip it over and reinstall for easy checks and refills.
A textbook yields a few pearls of wisdom for those in the automotive biz.
Four reasons to buy a ½” breaker bar adapter.
Don’t break fittings—break ‘em free.
That old smartphone can actually help when you don’t have a second set of eyes to help out.
Shop Press’ Miriam discusses tasks and tips to maintain a well-rounded shop.