If you’re an experienced technician, you may feel as though you’ve seen everything, but don’t let your knowledge prevent you from learning more.

The “best” parts for the job are highly dependent on the environment in which they operate.
Think you know your dash lights? Shop Press contributors Keith, Miriam, Chris, and Greaser try their best to identify all kinds of lights, symbols, and indicators.
Their emergency shouldn’t be yours unless they pay a premium to fix it.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
What causes brake noise?
CRASH Jewelry uses real fenders, doors and hoods from high-end vehicles to make cuffs, earrings, necklaces and more.
It’s up to you to tell them why.
How does your shop weigh the risk and reward of customer-supplied parts?
Largely supercar fare, wild points of entry have no shortage of variety.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Don’t waste your time with codebreaking. Just grab a paint pen.
I really hope the whole week doesn’t go like this.
In spite of the not-so-savory name, this ancillary piece of daily life in the shop is a beloved tradition in the automotive industry.
We read the astrological signs and predicted your automotive future.
Elon Musk says Tesla Insurance is pushing automaker to simplify designs and increase parts availability.
From the factory with the spare’s valve stem pointing up, but you can flip it over and reinstall for easy checks and refills.
A textbook yields a few pearls of wisdom for those in the automotive biz.
Four reasons to buy a ½” breaker bar adapter.