Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Using voltage to locate electrical faults

Locating the cause of an electrical fault can be a challenge even for the most experienced professional. I’m not referring to open circuits or even short circuits. These are relatively easy to find. In either case, the component, or load, won’t work. But the most...

How do you handle billing shop supplies?

When I first began writing service at an indie auto repair shop, one line item on the bill was “shop supplies.” We tacked on some percentage of the bill, capping at $19.88. Shows you how long ago that was! Customers would ask about it, and many were angry about the...

Tool Review: FNIRSI DSO152 Oscilloscope

Disclaimer: I purchased this tool at full retail price. In fact, I actually purchased two so I could try out the version with a high-voltage lead.If you’ve met my fellow Shop Press contrib Pete, seen his videos, taken his classes, or read his articles, you’ll know...

Making custom coiled wire is easier than you think (VIDEO)

Description Coiled wire is a smart idea for adding service loops or mechanical strain relief on automotive electrical jobs or other projects. In three easy steps, you can make your own coiled wire sections for all kinds of applications.

Vehicle weights are increasing. Can your lifts handle it?

Vehicle weights are increasing. Can your lifts handle it?

Average vehicle weights in the United States have steadily increased since the mid 1980s, driven by sustained consumer demand for vehicles with more power, features, and room. Hybrid and electric vehicles can be especially heavy with their batteries and motors,...
The story of the very first reverse gear in an American car

The story of the very first reverse gear in an American car

Making a car go backwards was not the most important part of the automobile’s development, but it sure is important in its operation. In fact, if the average automobile enthusiast was to guess which American-built car had the first reverse gear, he or she would likely...