Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Hot Off the Press

It’s totally fine to run your fuel tank down to empty

One of the pieces of automotive wisdom that’s been repeated by publications and mechanics alike for ages is that it’s not good to run a fuel tank below some arbitrary fill point, like a quarter of a tank. At some point, that probably wasn’t bad advice. But today? It’s...

LOF PSA: Don’t forget the lube job

Please forgive me, because I’m about to be a dinosaur and proselytize for a few moments. Many moons ago, I would have customers request an oil change and a lube job. It was so prevalent that the acronym for this, LOF, is still in pretty common use. (That’s “lube, oil,...

Best of Shop Press 2022

Shop Press officially launched in March 2022, at least if you go by the press release. Between then and now, we’ve published well over 100 articles and videos dedicated to auto repair professionals and wrenching enthusiasts. We greatly appreciate everyone who has...

What to check when you’re checking out a car (VIDEO)

Description What do you check when you're going over a vehicle? If you're like a few Dorman contributors, there's likely to be a range of answers, a few dependencies, some overlapping areas, and some totally different ones. Watch as Nick, Miriam, and Lem talk through...

Which road maintenance fleet has the best snowplow names?

Asking the public for creative input can sometimes be an effective way to crowdsource ideas and foster community engagement. Or, it can be an exercise in large-scale trolling, as we saw with the infamous tale of Boaty McBoatface. Nevertheless, over the past few years,...

December Automotive Horoscopes

Aries: The shop has a somber attitude, so tone down the practical jokes on a friend. Stick close to home and get your chores done. Now is the time to to start thinking about spring tasks. Have you started seedlings for the garden yet? Restraint pays dividends this...

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in a vehicle?

We’ve all found something strange in our mechanical travels. I've seen plenty of drugs. Having worked in the Midwest, guns were not unfamiliar. Most were usually accompanied by a pair of muddy duck boots in the passenger footwell. But I found a real good one lately...

Bitten by a misfire

Formal education teaches you theory and the real world teaches you the rest.



Auto care news and advice you can use.


Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.


Auto care news and advice you can use.