Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Hot Off the Press

Schedule more work by improving the life of the waiters

Everyone else knows a “waiter” as someone who brings you a burger. You and I, however, know a waiter to be a customer stranded in your customer lounge. Making waiting less painful can increase the likelihood folks schedule service. That seems pretty basic to me, but...

What’s in your toolbox?

Tools help ya earn your bread, which is why most automotive technicians have more than a passing interest in them. What brands do you buy? What do you buy, and what do you expect the boss to provide? Do you run a tab on the tool truck? Two Dormanites hash some of...

October Automotive Horoscopes

Aries: You will be where you are supposed to be, even if you aren't there now. When you’re undercar, rely upon intuition—and don’t forget the importance of timing. Keep the faith, because your goal is closer than you thought. Avoid Leo. This service writer is bound to...

Book review: “Car: A Drama of the American Workplace”

We’ve all taken a step back from a vehicle, groaned, and asked why-oh-why did they do it like this. Car: A Drama of the American Workplace helps answer that question. Mary Walton, the author, was embedded within Ford with what appears to me to have been excellent...

Fire the parts cannon! Is shotgun diag ever acceptable? (VIDEO)

Description Anyone who's turned wrenches knows at least one "spray 'n' pray" technician. Just keep throwing parts at the car until the Check Engine light goes off, right? But where does good intuition meet good guessing? What do you do when a flowchart suggests...

Trailer bearings: a hidden moneymaker for auto repair shops

You already can see where I’m going with this based on the title. Trailers are the simplest things in the world, and yet unless you’re at an RV shop, a dedicated trailer shop, or you live in a rural or coastal area (ag and marine use), you probably rarely see trailers...

Bitten by a misfire

Formal education teaches you theory and the real world teaches you the rest.



Auto care news and advice you can use.


Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.


Auto care news and advice you can use.

LT-series vs. P-series tires

LT-series vs. P-series tires

The truck and SUV have never been more prolific than they are today. Learn when to sell each type of these tires.