by Jonathan Roth | May 12, 2022
Ever since motor vehicles were invented, people have been racing them. And, seemingly right after that, people started coming up with creative and crazy ways to race them. Recently I was hanging out in the Dorman garage and we started talking about (and of course...
by Jonathan Roth | May 5, 2022
In case you missed it during Super Bowl LVI (like I did) or haven’t heard about it since, the DeLorean was officially reintroduced with a 15-second commercial during the game. Here, let’s take another look at it! One of the unique aspects of the original DMC DeLorean...
by Jonathan Roth | Mar 1, 2022
These days, there’s a simulator video game for everything. There are games that simulate flying a plane, games that simulate working in an office, and yes … even a game that simulates what it’s like to be a goat. Add to that list Car Mechanic Simulator, a game first...