This seemingly-impolite question can defuse tense situations in the shop or auto parts store.

Starting a shop and managing it to the big leagues require very different skills. Odds are you don’t have both, and that’s okay.
It’s the perfect tool for some jobs.
We read the astrological signs and predicted your automotive future.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Spoiler alert: be careful running it through the car wash.
Tip #1: stop calling it a “brake job.”
There are literally thousands of wiper-related patents, stretching over a century, and we’re still looking to build better designs today.
Nick and Lemmy, Dorman employees and mechanics, took a gander at a few internet videos and did their best at diagnosing via the Internet.
What to do if grease is going everywhere but where you want it.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
In this challenge, techs and DIYers get as close as possible to a target final pressure to see who’s got the best skills and strategies at the tire machine.
An inexpensive tool that’s worth its weight in gold.
Nick and Lemmy again try their darnedest at hip-shooting responses to Reddit questions.
Every mechanic manages their tool box differently, but these recurring characters seem to be in nearly every garage.
New analysis into proposed rule changes offers some thinking into the future of the auto repair industry if all new vehicles move to ZEVs.
Driving around with a bunch of snow on top of your vehicle is not only unsafe, but also illegal in many places
Learn to ID Miatas generation by generation like a pro (and from a pro!)
Autocare Haven uses donations and volunteers to subsidize service for vets, seniors, single parents and others.