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What to do if grease is going everywhere but where you want it.
There are more variables than you might think
An inexpensive tool that’s worth its weight in gold.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
A little glimpse into the world of making old parts new.
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Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
When two transfer cases love each other very much…
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My new Explorer ST goes like a scalded dog. Ford’s Performance Driving School taught me how to avoid getting bitten.
Let’s watch the most creative and crazy sports involving four (and two) wheels on YouTube.
When released from captivity, these things will give ya a case of the spins.